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Who Taught You That

who taught you that you were unworthy? that there was something wrong with that which makes you you was lesser. Lesser than what? the killers people obsess over? the sibling who isn’t you? the mythical perfect person, who is just out there showing you up?!...


I once said I was a cactus needing little love and tenderness hardy; a survivor used to droughts of love I store the remains deep inside for the days to come. I wasn’t born a cactus prickly and guarded subborn and resistant unhardened plants die in the cold...

It’s funny

We talk about green thumbs as if it’s magic something you have or you don’t but plants are simple they grow when their needs are met unspoken in the words of man you must listen to hear the whispers you must slow down and notice you must care even about...


I am always the one left yearning wishing reaching for what is… not there my hand cold with damp air I don’t know if something is wrong am I wrong? Doing it wrong? Because I just keep finding dead...

Climbing Mountains

feels like I’m climbing a gravel mountain sliding down each step clutching at pebbles running through my fists trying to hold on perhaps I should give up let myself slide eaten by the mountain because I feel so alone so far from the...

Coffee or Tea

coffee or tea doesn’t matter to me the depth of one not shallow the other rich and deep bitter but sweet those toasted beans sing to me slighting my soul with warmth and peace sinking into these cold weary bones a cozy highlight to breath into the sunrise over...