by Grey | Apr 2, 2023 | Poetry
feels like I’m climbing a gravel mountain sliding down each step clutching at pebbles running through my fists trying to hold on perhaps I should give up let myself slide eaten by the mountain because I feel so alone so far from the...
by Grey | Apr 2, 2023 | Poetry
coffee or tea doesn’t matter to me the depth of one not shallow the other rich and deep bitter but sweet those toasted beans sing to me slighting my soul with warmth and peace sinking into these cold weary bones a cozy highlight to breath into the sunrise over...
by Grey | Apr 2, 2023 | Poetry
such a shame the glitter of gold that exists inside connot be seen by one’s own eyes
by Grey | Apr 1, 2023 | Poetry
all I wish is to be free to express my affection my joy my love my care and adoration in my childish way I wish to shower you in the love I never had to show you what I see you Matter fullness accepted today, now, as they are to sweep away the shame that holds you the...
by Grey | Apr 1, 2023 | Poetry
If I am worthy yet no one agrees am I mad, or doomed to be lonely? Does it even matter Value only exists where we decide right? I the bottom of the dog pile crushed under the weight of those standing on my shoulders if no one sees you, do you exist or a living ghost...