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What does he have that I don’t?!

What does he have that I don’t?!

The air was cold on my skin as I took my nightly walk, replying to a friend’s voice message. Suddenly I was overcome with an emotional sucker punch that doubled me over. My mind blanked reliving a series of memories I thought I’d long moved past. My soul and...

No one

Everyone says you’re special but if we all are, then no one is and I, am no one no one to see no one to hear no one to stand out but back in the shadows the depths of life to richen the brightness with contrast Still. they find me Dragging me warily forward to...

It’s funny

We talk about green thumbs as if it’s magic something you have or you don’t but plants are simple they grow when their needs are met unspoken in the words of man you must listen to hear the whispers you must slow down and notice you must care even about...

Coffee or Tea

coffee or tea doesn’t matter to me the depth of one not shallow the other rich and deep bitter but sweet those toasted beans sing to me slighting my soul with warmth and peace sinking into these cold weary bones a cozy highlight to breath into the sunrise over...

A Tree in the Forest

If I am worthy yet no one agrees am I mad, or doomed to be lonely? Does it even matter Value only exists where we decide right? I the bottom of the dog pile crushed under the weight of those standing on my shoulders if no one sees you, do you exist or a living ghost...