A Man

I deserve love for me. those who don’t see miss. They miss out of me my grandfathers grandson a good man a sweet man who tries and loves fullhearedly a stubborn man a kind man quick to laugh a man who cries in the bath who works with his hands doting on loved...

Slow down

slow down and remember to breathe the wind flowing over sunkissed skin free from what binds you come back to earth back to today reaping the benefits of your suffering inhale green life the rich undergrowth and feel humanity slow down if you keep running you’ll...

I’m Sorry

these days I wake up crying yesterdays saddness spilling into today’s an oil slick of emotions stomach churningly oozing together I’m sorry My childish stummblings push folks away teill I fall face-first in the dirt skin marred with incompentence reaching...

We are ART

Stattering crumbling into pieces we say there is a weakness in breaking but what if there is stregth in the quiet aftermath pick it all up to make something new you are neither created or destroyed just reformed adding and loosing bits in the process mixing in new...

A Pacifistic Fight Response

Give me the blessing of being punched in the face in bright daylight, so I can see even if the pain blinds me, even if it was gravity that pushed us into this moment, even if I fear for myself, I fear for you if I despise the pain in messiness of black eyes and broken...